Module: qmisc.cpp

Flat functions

QNapvoid QNap(int nMicrosecs)

Naps in a very system-friendly way (really sleeps)
Timer is 100Hz on SGI systems, 1kHz on Win32

QWaitvoid QWait(int msecs)

Wait a number of msecs in a reasonably system-friendly way
Accuracy: about 10ms

QSetThreadPrioritybool QSetThreadPriority(int n)

Set this thread's priority; max=NDPHIMAX, upto NDPHIMIN
Should run from root account, or setuid root (the exe)
Warns if it fails (qwarn)
NOTE: always sets root mode to FALSE (!)
From dmplay.c

QSetRootbool QSetRoot(bool root)

Try to be superuser or not
Not that although you can 'makeroot' your application, there
are subtleties regarding file creation.
Your file will be created under the name of your login name, NOT root.sys
To change this, call QSetRoot(TRUE).

QHexDumpvoid QHexDump(char *p,int len)
struprvoid strupr(string s)
strlwrvoid strlwr(string s)
QMatchbool QMatch(cstring pat,cstring str)

/** From the Amiga, src:c.alib/match.c. Case-insensitive. **/

QQuickSavebool QQuickSave(cstring fname,void *p,int len)
QQuickLoadbool QQuickLoad(cstring fname,void *p,int len)
QFileExistsbool QFileExists(cstring fname)
QFileSizeint QFileSize(cstring fname)

Returns -1 for 'file not found', length otherwise

QCopyFilebool QCopyFile(cstring src,cstring dst)

File copy; returns FALSE in case of failure (can't open/out of disk space)

QRemoveFilebool QRemoveFile(cstring name)
QRemoveDirectorybool QRemoveDirectory(cstring name)
QExpandFilenamecstring QExpandFilename(cstring s)

Translates assign-like parts into a real directory
MACHTECH:myfile => /usr/people/rvg/machtech/myfile
Returns static buffer (don't modify)

QFileBasecstring QFileBase(cstring s)

Return base file or directory of full path ('s')
Example: /usr/people/rvg/mydir => mydir
String returned is inside the original (no static buf)

QFileExtensioncstring QFileExtension(cstring s)

Return file extension, or 0 if none is found
Example: /usr/people/rvg/myfile.txt => .txt
String returned is inside the original (no static buf)

QIsDirbool QIsDir(cstring path)

Returns TRUE if 'path' is a directory

QFollowDirvoid QFollowDir(cstring oldPath,cstring newDir,string buf)

Follows path 'oldPath' into 'newDir'
Result is stored in 'buf'
'newDir' may be '.' or '..' and path segments will be correctly

QNearestPowerOf2int QNearestPowerOf2(int n,bool round)

Returns nearest power of 2. If round=TRUE, then both upper and lower
possibilites are checked (NYI).
Useful for for example texture dims

_QPC2Host_Sunsigned short _QPC2Host_S(unsigned short v)

Convert (big-endian) PC to host format.
Note that these functions are the reverse of the ntohs() family of
functions, which go to/from a NETWORK ordering, which uses little-endian.
Use the macros, in this case, QPC2Host_S(), to make optimal use when
compiling on PC's.
These routines are used in DGeode for example, to get a DOF file format
that is more targeted at PC's than SGI's (because of Racer).
Note that the Q family of endian conversion functions include a FLOAT
version, since floats are reversed as well on PC's (wrt SGI MIPS).
Note also that floats may not be ENTIRELY compatible between MIPS
and Intel (although I haven't bumped into problems thusfar).

_QPC2Host_SAvoid _QPC2Host_SA(unsigned short *p,int n)

Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.

_QPC2Host_Lunsigned long _QPC2Host_L(unsigned long v)

Convert (big-endian) PC to host format (long).
Use the macro QPC2Host_L() instead of calling this function directly.

_QPC2Host_LAvoid _QPC2Host_LA(unsigned long *p,int n)

Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.

_QPC2Host_IAvoid _QPC2Host_IA(int *p,int n)

Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.
Kept in a function like this so passing an array will be typechecked
at compile-time (instead of passing the macro directly to the _LA version).

_QPC2Host_Ffloat _QPC2Host_F(float vf)

Convert (big-endian) PC to host format.
Use the macro QPC2Host_F() instead of calling this function directly.
NOTE: the float returned may not have any meaning and should NOT
be used as a float any other than merely writing to disk and such.

_QPC2Host_FAvoid _QPC2Host_FA(float *pf,int n)

Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.

 * Q Misc support functions (flat)
 * 07-10-98: Created! (from qmem.cpp)
 * 25-12-00: Endian routines added (QPC2SGI_L, QSGI2PC_L etc).
 * (C) MarketGraph/RVG

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef WIN32
// _rmdir()
#include <direct.h>
// Sleep()
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <bstring.h>
#include <sys/schedctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <qlib/timer.h>
#include <qlib/debug.h>

void QNap(int nMicrosecs)
// Naps in a very system-friendly way (really sleeps)
// Timer is 100Hz on SGI systems, 1kHz on Win32
#ifdef WIN32
void QWait(int msecs)
// Wait a number of msecs in a reasonably system-friendly way
// Accuracy: about 10ms
#ifndef WIN32
  QTimer t;

bool QSetThreadPriority(int n)
// Set this thread's priority; max=NDPHIMAX, upto NDPHIMIN
// Should run from root account, or setuid root (the exe)
// Warns if it fails (qwarn)
// NOTE: always sets root mode to FALSE (!)
// From dmplay.c
  bool r=TRUE;			// Optimistic, although not really
  //ASSERT_0(n==PRI_HIGH||n==PRI_MEDIUM||n==PRI_LOW);	// Illegal priority
   * set non-degrading priority
   * use high priority if running as root
   * swap permissions so that we become root for a moment.
   * setreuid() should let us set real uid to effective uid = root
   * if the program is setuid root
  setreuid(geteuid(), getuid());
  setregid(getegid(), getgid());

  //if (schedctl(NDPRI, 0, NDPHIMIN)< 0)
  //if (schedctl(NDPRI, 0, NDPHIMAX)< 0)
  if (schedctl(NDPRI, 0, n)< 0)
    qdbg("Can't set thread priority to %d; need root permissions\n",n);
    //fprintf(stderr, "** run as root to enable real time scheduling\n");

  /* swap permissions back, now we're just "joe user" */
  setreuid(geteuid(), getuid());
  setregid(getegid(), getgid());

#ifdef WIN32
  return FALSE;
  if(!QSetRoot(TRUE))return FALSE;
  int r=schedctl(NDPRI, 0, n);
  { qerr("Can't set thread priority to %d",n);
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;
bool QSetRoot(bool root)
// Try to be superuser or not
// Not that although you can 'makeroot' your application, there
// are subtleties regarding file creation.
// Your file will be created under the name of your login name, NOT root.sys
// To change this, call QSetRoot(TRUE).
#ifdef WIN32
  return FALSE;
  int r;
  { r=setreuid(getuid(),getuid()); // geteuid() is better?
  } else
  { // Become root.sys
  // Return succes or failure
  if(r==-1)return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

void QHexDump(char *p,int len)
  int i;
  qdbg("Hex %p:",p);
    qdbg(" %02x",*p++);

#ifndef WIN32
void strupr(string s)
  { if(*s>='a'&&*s<='z')*s=*s-'a'+'A';
void strlwr(string s)
  { if(*s>='A'&&*s<='Z')*s=*s-'A'+'a';

* Pattern matching *
bool QMatch(cstring pat,cstring str)
/** From the Amiga, src:c.alib/match.c. Case-insensitive. **/
{ switch(*pat)
  { case   0: return !*str;
    case '?': return QMatch(pat+1,str+1);
    case '*': if(*(pat+1)==0)return 1;
              /* If there is no new deciding char behind *, it's TRUE. This
                 doesn't work 100%: look at *(!*c*) ... It just returns too
                 soon, but else we would have to check all possibilities. */
              while(*str){ if(QMatch(pat+1,str))return 1; else str++; }
              return 0;
    case '!': return !QMatch(pat+1,str);
    case '(': return QMatch(pat+1,str);
    case ')': return QMatch(pat+1,str);
    default : return (tolower(*pat)==tolower(*str))?QMatch(pat+1,str+1):0;

* DOS *
bool QQuickSave(cstring fname,void *p,int len)
{ FILE *fw;
  { fwrite(p,1,len,fw);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
bool QQuickLoad(cstring fname,void *p,int len)
{ FILE *fr;
  { fread(p,1,len,fr);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
bool QFileExists(cstring fname)
{ FILE *fr;
  { fclose(fr);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
int QFileSize(cstring fname)
// Returns -1 for 'file not found', length otherwise
{ FILE *fr;
  int len=-1;
  { fseek(fr,0,SEEK_END);
  return len;
bool QCopyFile(cstring src,cstring dst)
// File copy; returns FALSE in case of failure (can't open/out of disk space)
{ FILE *fr,*fw;
  char buf[1024];
  { return FALSE;
  { fclose(fr); return FALSE;
  { int n,nw;
    // Check for write to fail (out of disk space?)
    { fclose(fw); fclose(fr);
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

bool QRemoveFile(cstring name)
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
bool QRemoveDirectory(cstring name)
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

cstring QExpandFilename(cstring s)
// Translates assign-like parts into a real directory
// MACHTECH:myfile => /usr/people/rvg/machtech/myfile
// Returns static buffer (don't modify)
#ifdef WIN32
  // Leave things like C:\ intact
  return s;
  // SGI
  static char buf[256];
  char *pDC;
  { qerr("QExpandFilename() called on string with length>256");
    return s;
  { strncpy(buf,s,pDC-s);
    return buf;
  } else return s;

cstring QFileBase(cstring s)
// Return base file or directory of full path ('s')
// Example: /usr/people/rvg/mydir => mydir
// String returned is inside the original (no static buf)
  int i;
  if(!*s)return s;
  { if(s[i]=='/'||s[i]=='\\')
    { return &s[i+1];
  return s;
cstring QFileExtension(cstring s)
// Return file extension, or 0 if none is found
// Example: /usr/people/rvg/myfile.txt => .txt
// String returned is inside the original (no static buf)
  int i;
  if(!*s)return s;
  { if(s[i]=='.')
    { return &s[i];
  return 0;

bool QIsDir(cstring path)
// Returns TRUE if 'path' is a directory
#ifdef WIN32
  qerr("QIsDir(); nyi/win32");
  return FALSE;
  struct stat sbuf;
  if(S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode))return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
void QFollowDir(cstring oldPath,cstring newDir,string buf)
// Follows path 'oldPath' into 'newDir'
// Result is stored in 'buf'
// 'newDir' may be '.' or '..' and path segments will be correctly
// adjusted
  int len;
  { // Parent; cutoff dir
    if(*buf==0)goto skip;
    { if(buf[len]=='/')
      { buf[len]=0;
        goto found;
    // Special root case
    else           buf[0]=0;
  } else
  { // Append dir

* MATH *
int QNearestPowerOf2(int n,bool round)
// Returns nearest power of 2. If round=TRUE, then both upper and lower
// possibilites are checked (NYI).
// Useful for for example texture dims
  int p2=1;
  { qerr("QNearestPowerOf2(); rounding not yet implemented");
    // Do round=FALSE routine...
  return p2;

unsigned short _QPC2Host_S(unsigned short v)
// Convert (big-endian) PC to host format.
// Note that these functions are the reverse of the ntohs() family of
// functions, which go to/from a NETWORK ordering, which uses little-endian.
// Use the macros, in this case, QPC2Host_S(), to make optimal use when
// compiling on PC's.
// These routines are used in DGeode for example, to get a DOF file format
// that is more targeted at PC's than SGI's (because of Racer).
// Note that the Q family of endian conversion functions include a FLOAT
// version, since floats are reversed as well on PC's (wrt SGI MIPS).
// Note also that floats may not be ENTIRELY compatible between MIPS
// and Intel (although I haven't bumped into problems thusfar).
#ifdef WIN32
  return v;
  // SGI; swap
  return (v>>8)|(v<<8);
void _QPC2Host_SA(unsigned short *p,int n)
// Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.
#ifdef WIN32
  int i;
  unsigned short v;
  { v=*p;
unsigned long _QPC2Host_L(unsigned long v)
// Convert (big-endian) PC to host format (long).
// Use the macro QPC2Host_L() instead of calling this function directly.
#ifdef WIN32
  return v;
  return ((v>>24)|
          (v>>8 & 0xFF00)|
          (v<<8 & 0xFF0000)|
void _QPC2Host_LA(unsigned long *p,int n)
// Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.
#ifdef WIN32
  int i;
  unsigned long v;
  { v=*p;
          (v>>8 & 0xFF00)|
          (v<<8 & 0xFF0000)|
void _QPC2Host_IA(int *p,int n)
// Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.
// Kept in a function like this so passing an array will be typechecked
// at compile-time (instead of passing the macro directly to the _LA version).
  _QPC2Host_LA((unsigned long *)p,n);
float _QPC2Host_F(float vf)
// Convert (big-endian) PC to host format.
// Use the macro QPC2Host_F() instead of calling this function directly.
// NOTE: the float returned may not have any meaning and should NOT
// be used as a float any other than merely writing to disk and such.
#ifdef WIN32
  return vf;
  unsigned long v;
  /*union F2L
  { float         vf;
    unsigned long vl;
  } f2l;
  // Convert to 32-bits long
  v=*(unsigned long*)&vf;
     (v>>8 & 0xFF00)|
     (v<<8 & 0xFF0000)|
  return *(float*)&v;
void _QPC2Host_FA(float *pf,int n)
// Convenience function for an array of 'n' elements.
#ifdef WIN32
  int i;
  unsigned long v,*p=(unsigned long*)pf;
  { v=*p;
          (v>>8 & 0xFF00)|
          (v<<8 & 0xFF0000)|